January 21st 2025: Submission deadline extended to January 24, 2025, 23:59 AoE.
October 21st 2024: Call for Papers has been published.
November 1st, 2024: Important dates added.
April 18, 2025 | Hotel Shigira Mirage
| Miyakojima,
Co-located with Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2025
"The cape of Higashihennazaki on Miyakojima by Hiroaki Kaneko, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source: Panoramio
January 21st 2025: Submission deadline extended to January 24, 2025, 23:59 AoE.
October 21st 2024: Call for Papers has been published.
November 1st, 2024: Important dates added.
The 4th International Cryptoasset Analytics Workshop (CAAW) brings together researchers from different academic disciplines to present their newest findings related to cryptoassets and their ecosystems; learn about novel analytics methods spanning all layers (P2P network, consensus, on-chain, off-chain); and discuss open challenges and possible future directions. Since cryptoasset analytics has become relevant across disciplines, we envision this workshop as an interdisciplinary venue, also connecting to cross-cutting issues related to law, ethics, privacy, and security.
The program of CAAW 2025 workshop (co-located with Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2025) features a mix of invited talks and a selection of peer-reviewed research contributions. Workshop topics range from empirical studies, over analytics methods and tools, to case studies, datasets, and cross-cutting issues like legal or ethical aspects. Scientists and professionals from all disciplines and sectors are invited to share their knowledge and experience in this niche intersection of Cryptoassets and Analytics through this workshop, as well as in the future iterations of CAAW.
This workshop solicits submissions related to cryptoassets and their ecosystems. This includes empirical studies, analytics methods and tools, case studies and use cases, interfaces to web technologies, reusable datasets and cross-cutting issues.
Topics and themes of interest include but are not limited to:
The Cryptoasset Analytics Workshop (CAAW) welcomes submissions of papers documenting novel scientific research relevant to the topics of the conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. The review process is double-blind. The submitted document should not include any author names, affiliations, or other identifying information. This may include, but is not restricted to: acknowledgements, self-citations, references to prior work by the author(s) etc. Submissions not complying with this guidance will be desk-rejected.
We welcome three types of submissions:
Full Papers: Full paper submissions must not exceed 15 pages in length, *including* references and well-marked appendices.
Short Papers: Short paper submissions must not exceed 8 pages in length, *including* references and well-marked appendices.
Posters: Poster submissions must not exceed 3 pages in length (maximum 2 pages for the main paper content + maximum 1 page for appendices).
The papers must be formatted according to the instructions below. Papers not complying to the page limits or not following the formatting guidelines will be desk-rejected.
Submissions will be handled via Easychair, at Please take some time to include appropriate keywords for your submission.
The submitted abstract and keywords will be leveraged to find adequate reviewers for submitted papers. Please write an email to, if you have any questions.
Submissions must adhere to the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science format
Submissions for review must be in PDF format. They must be self-contained and written in English. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines, or do not view or print properly, will be rejected without review.
Accepted submissions will be included in the conference proceedings (International Workshops volume) to be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. At least one author of each accepted workshop paper has to register for the workshop. Workshop attendance is only granted for registered participants.
TBA — Dr. Paolo Tasca
Dr. Paolo Tasca is a Professor at University College London and a digital economist with a
specialisation in distributed systems. He is also the founder of the award-winning UCL Centre for
Blockchain Technologies, ranked seventh best university globally for blockchain and largest academic
research centre in the blockchain field. In addition to his academic achievements, Dr. Tasca is a
seasoned blockchain entrepreneur with several successful exits and has served as a special advisor on
blockchain technologies for a variety of government and industry stakeholders worldwide, including the
United Nations, and several central banks.
Contact the organizers at